Pixel Dust Acres

Outdoor photography rental spaces

Designed and managed by a professional photographer,

for professional photographers and their clients.

Let’s get you booked!

Thank you for your interest in booking!

We look forward to sharing this magical location with you and your clients.


Lighting is typically best in the gardens and fields closest to sunrise and sunset.

Your booking is non-exclusive. There may be other photographers on the property. Please reach out for exclusivity pricing.

Maximum of 12 people in your party per booking. Please reach out for exceptions and pricing for larger groups/events.

Business insurance is mandatory to book and you may be asked to provide proof. If someone gets injured during a photoshoot or on location, the photographer could be held responsible. Liability insurance covers legal fees and potential settlements. If a photographer damages property (e.g., expensive equipment, a venue, or a client's belongings), liability insurance can cover the costs, too.

Pet are welcome! Please clean up after your pets, keep them on leash and on paths. The field contains crown vetch which can be toxic to dogs if consumed. Please keep close watch of dogs while on the property.

Sunflower field will be a separate booking from the rest of the property (see details below).

More detailed rental information HERE.

Check out regular updates on instagram (@pixeldustacres) for what’s new and currently in bloom!

The Fields

4 acres of fields to explore.

Cut paths for your convenience.

June - July for wildflowers, August - December for Fall grass.

The Gardens

Manicured gardens with hundreds of varieties of plants, shrubs trees, and flowers in bloom all Spring, Summer and Fall.

The Camper

Located in the NW corner of the property, and affectionately named “Wanda,” this vintage camper makes for a great backdrop for retro inspired photo shoots…or just a fun addition to any photo shoot!

The Coop

Stop by and say hello to our 14 chickens and take photos by this adorable chicken coop nestled in the gardens on the north side of the property.

The Sunflower Field

Located on the far east end of the property, this mindfully planted field is situated for ideal lighting and with staggered rows of alternating blooms and grass to keep down the dust and mud and maximize visibility of blooms and room for movement.

The sunflower field is anticipated to start blooming around August 31st and will be a SEPARATE BOOKING from the rest of the property to keep from becoming overcrowded while still allowing the rest of the property to be utilized by those who don’t wish to have sunflowers in their photos.